Saturday, June 22, 2013

Moderating Phase 5

            Time flies! It has already been six weeks of consistently observing and taking pictures of my own stools! :D I am glad that the stools remain as Type 3 or Type 4. As usual, I went to pasar malam on Wednesday and had a bowl of spicy yet not-so-good-taste Thai laksa. I felt awful eating it as I didn't really enjoy it. I had a mild diarrhea the next morning which was not a very good thing as the stools did not turn out as the ones I want. >..<

           Anyway, I am glad that I have been having an apple per day as it somehow gives me more psychological power than physical power to make me think that I am healthier now. :D The journey of apple-flavoured-stool seems has transformed into a better outcome as I slowly realize that it is the consistency and persistence that matter the most. With these two, I can become as healthy as I want to be.

           Also, as usual, lots of funny things happened with me taking pictures of my own stools. On Friday, I had a steamboat in Lot 10 to celebrate my friend's birthday. I had a wonderful dinner. When I was "releasing" myself in the female toilet, I didn't realize that it was an automatic flushing system. The moment I took out my phone and prepared for a click, the product was gone. I tried to produce again for the second time with the hope that I was fast enough to capture "them", KA CHA, "them" was gone again. I felt frustrated but really funny the same time. Hahaha....  Life is fun :D

P.S: Let me spare you guys this week as I am not able to upload "them". :D  Cheers guy! :D haha

1 comment:

  1. AHAHA :D The auto flushing system experience is funny! :D I believe some of your followers will miss the "them", hope to see "them" again next week. :D Jia you!
