Friday, June 28, 2013

Moderating Phase 6~~

What a stressful week! I was having 3 midterms in a week! I felt like I have been literally swallowing up books! It was really challenging to deal with several things at one time and honestly, I did again forget to eat an apple on either 26th or 27th of June. And of course I know, having an exam shouldn't be an excuse to forgetting the apple. :) However, since midterm has gone, I believe that I am now back to my "apple" journey with full energy. :D Again, thanks to those who been reminding me to eat an apple a day. :D Especially my parents :D They were so worried about me being so stressed up during the exam periods even though I felt perfectly OK.

For the apple part, the apples I bought from pasar malam once a week seem getting less sweet but it's ok :) I don't really like sweet taste. Hehe  Keep on with the "apple-spirit"! Gambatte! :D

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Moderating Phase 5

            Time flies! It has already been six weeks of consistently observing and taking pictures of my own stools! :D I am glad that the stools remain as Type 3 or Type 4. As usual, I went to pasar malam on Wednesday and had a bowl of spicy yet not-so-good-taste Thai laksa. I felt awful eating it as I didn't really enjoy it. I had a mild diarrhea the next morning which was not a very good thing as the stools did not turn out as the ones I want. >..<

           Anyway, I am glad that I have been having an apple per day as it somehow gives me more psychological power than physical power to make me think that I am healthier now. :D The journey of apple-flavoured-stool seems has transformed into a better outcome as I slowly realize that it is the consistency and persistence that matter the most. With these two, I can become as healthy as I want to be.

           Also, as usual, lots of funny things happened with me taking pictures of my own stools. On Friday, I had a steamboat in Lot 10 to celebrate my friend's birthday. I had a wonderful dinner. When I was "releasing" myself in the female toilet, I didn't realize that it was an automatic flushing system. The moment I took out my phone and prepared for a click, the product was gone. I tried to produce again for the second time with the hope that I was fast enough to capture "them", KA CHA, "them" was gone again. I felt frustrated but really funny the same time. Hahaha....  Life is fun :D

P.S: Let me spare you guys this week as I am not able to upload "them". :D  Cheers guy! :D haha

Friday, June 14, 2013

Moderating phase 4~~~~

Oops....What did I eat on Thursday? Ohyaa...I went pasar malam and forgot to eat an apple...:D hehe but I managed to eat durian!!! :D  It was a Dragon Boat Festival on Wednesday!!! I missed my papa mama so much and I couldn't find Bak Zhang, the dumplings in pasar malam!!! Why they didn't sell?????  Wednesday was Dragon Boat festival right???  :( :(

Anyway, coming back to my stool diary :D I didn't feel as happy as usual when I was taking my stool photo on Thursday~~ Maybe it is because I was homesick!!! :(  However, my parents called me and told me they will get me some when I go back home :D  Hehehe happy mood is back~~~ Tada~~

Ohya, gotta have an apple now :D I slowly realise that the stool is not the point anymore!!! It is the persistent in me that matters....eating a fruit a day was really not my usual routine...but now, I am eating one per day!! :D Haha  i am feeling so great~~ I can do it~~   By the way, as usual, here is my stool~~ Thinking you won't see it anymore?? Haha ...impossible :P Haha

 Type 3 and maybe 4 :D
2 are floating!!! They look so healthy~~ shiny, floating, bulky and not too dark~~~ :D 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Gratitude towards YOU :D

     Hello my fellow friends!!How are you?? I am feeling great!! :D

     This post is all about expressing my gratitude towards you all :) Everyday, there will be so many speeches about my stool updates~~ Talks of stools are like...being part and parcel of my life already. Wherever I go, whenever I am with you guys, I definitely will listen to some stool talks :D  That's really funny. It really cheers me up every time we discuss about it :D hehe

      And of course, all the talks really motivate me further into buying apples and eating apples daily! :) Somehow it has become a positive reinforcement, all the fun part you guys gave me makes me want to be persistent in eating apples :D and perhaps later, I will change to bananas, durian and anything :D hehehe

      Thank you guys for accompanying me to buy apples in pasar malam. You guys really motivate me a lot :D  Ohya, my parents say thanks as well, quoted from them, "Wow, see? You got a bunch of really good friends and even lecturer!!!  Really thanks them for making you eat APPLES!!!" :D

     Again, thank you guys so much. Stools seem cute and fun to me now after lots of funny stuff talking about it. Haha. You guys rock!

Here are the apples I am going to eat :)  Feeling "phewww"? as this post has no any stool's picture :D haha
However, stay tuned.....because STOOL never ends..... :D hahahaha cheers ~~~

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Moderating Phase 3~

 Results of the week :D

 Type 4 (I can see my own reflection in the picture ><)

Tada! Another beautiful week filled with apple-flavoured sh*t. :)
I am laughing so hard throughout the whole process of taking the pictures and uploading in this blog. LOL
Still trying to believe and accept what exactly I am doing.....What am i doing????? HAHA

Anyway, I am so happy to share my stool stories with my friends and daddy mommy :)  They think I am crazy, and somehow I like being crazy :D  It is fun right?

Things seem to grow better and better for me, and of course, there are still much more to be done to stay healthy and vibrant :) I think I am going to eat my friend, Lai's favourite, banana after this apple journey :D Thanks to him, he is so supportive and encouraging! He kept telling me to eat bananas! :D I could tell how concern my friends are towards my stools LOL~  Thanks friends, you guys rock!