Friday, May 31, 2013

Moderating Phase 2

 Type 4 ^.^
It seems I am getting more Type 4 stools! I am getting really happy especially on 31st of May, I get the perfect shape of stool that I always wanted! It is a long, smooth, quite thick shape of stool! I am really happy getting it >..< hehe It is like my hard work of eating apple per day paid off, again!

Well, eating an apple is not as easy as you think, for me, hehe. This is because every time I eat an apple, I need to "shave" out all the wax on its surface without clearing the skin and also, my laziness plays a big role too. However, my parents seem to feel so happy that I got the perfect stools or something. Anyway, the point that I eat an apple a day already enough to make them happy. :)  I love you guys daddy mommy!


  1. you are nearly attaining your goal :) jia you :D

  2. "Beautiful" stool! But only one? O.o

    1. yaaa its actually a thick big stool :D One is more than enough...better than your puked stool :P

  3. it is a good product, keep up the good effort^7^

  4. Hope that type 4 stools will be your permanent products :D
